Banque de l’Habitat S.A.L. grants long-term loans in USD to purchase, to build or to renovate a housing unit, with the possibility of installing a Solar System and a Waste Water treatment Station within the Construction and Renovation Loans

Terms and Conditions of the Purchase Loan:

1- The Borrower must hold the Lebanese citizenship for at least 10 years and enjoy his/her right to legal capacity.

2- The Borrower must not be convicted of criminal charges and should have a clean judicial record.

3- The Borrower must have a clear credit history and should not have been blacklisted for the past 10 years.

4- The Borrower must be of a required age to work and be productive during the entirety of the loan repayment period, whether he/she is a resident in Lebanon or an expatriate (for employees till the age of 64, for free professionals & self-employed till the age of 70 provided that the loan tenor is no less than 7 years).

5- The housing unit, subject of the loan should be exclusively allocated to family housing. The breach of this obligation will result in the termination of the contract and will oblige the borrower to reimburse the principal loan amount with all its interests and additional charges.

6- The Borrower must not be the owner of more than 1800 shares (investment right) of a built property over all the Lebanese territory..

7- The Borrower must not have previously benefited from a subsidized housing loan from any bank or other financial institution in Lebanon.

8- The area of the housing unit subject of the purchase loan must not exceed 150 square meters.

9- The Borrower cannot submit a loan application for the purpose of repaying a previous debt or arrears.

10- Married couples, their dependent children and family members who fall upon the couple’s responsibility are considered as one in everything related to these conditions.

11- On the contract signing date, the borrower signs to the profit of the bank, a Life Insurance Policy, paid monthly in cash in “Fresh” USD, as well as a Home Insurance Policy, paid yearly in cash in “Fresh” USD,covering fire risks, allied perils and the third party liability. Those two policies are exclusively issued by a group of insurance companies accredited by the bank.

Who is eligible to benefit from a Purchase Loan?

Residents and Expats, under the following conditions:

1- For applicants with limited income, the household net monthly income should not exceed the amount of 1.500 USD “Fresh”.

As for the applicants with medium income, the household net monthly income should not exceed the amount of 2,000 USD “Fresh”.

2- Applicants should be in the labor market for at least two years prior to the date of submitting the application, should have regular income based on an official employment certificate, and regular bank statements in USD “Fresh” or any other proof of income.

   All the applicant’s financial obligations and liabilities whether listed in the Centrale des Risques Information record or not, will be taken into consideration to determine the monthly net income, when calculating the loan amount.

In addition to that, the average cost of basic living expenses, transportation, fuel/diesel expenses, school and/or university tuitions and the housing rental charges (if the concerned applicant is a non-resident), will also be taken into consideration.

3- The total monthly obligations should not exceed 45% of the household monthly net income, and the monthly loan installments cannot exceed 33% of the borrower or borrowers’ monthly net income.

Purchase Loan Characteristics:

•.Maximum Loan Amount:

For applicants with limited income /40.000/USD

For applicants with medium income /50.000/USD

The loan amount cannot exceed 80% of the bank’s guarantee.

•.Loan Tenor: Up to 20 years and it cannot be less than 7 years.

.The Borrower is not entitled to make a total or partial early settlement of his/her Purchase Loan before 7 years as of the contract signing date, unless the Bank agrees otherwise. After this period has elapsed, the Borrower can prepay any part of his outstanding balance; in this case a penalty fee will be levied on every prepaid amount.

•.Grace period: 3 months as of the contract signing date.

•.Interest Rate: 6,00% * per annum, subject to amendment.

•.Mode of Payment: Only in Cash in USD Fresh.

•.Loan Disbursement: Directly released to the seller, only after the ownership of the property has been legally transferred to the borrower and the bank was provided with the original property new title deed and the first degree mortgage certificate, covering the principal loan amount with its interest. 

* Annual percentage Rate: 6,49 % (excluding life and fire Insurance premium).